relation to criminal matters, we can help you with:
Advice and defense in criminal proceedings.
Crimes against property: theft, burglary, concealment of stolen
property, fraud etc.
Crimes against Public Health: drug distribution, sale or
possession with intent to sell a controlled substance, etc.
Sexual offences: abuse, aggression, harassment, etc.
Domestic violence.
Crimes against people: murder, homicide, injuries, etc.
Environmental crimes: improper waste disposal, oil spills,
destruction of wetlands, dumping into streams, lakes, or rivers,
improperly handling pesticides or other toxic chemicals, burning
garbage, etc.
Computer crimes: credit card fraud and identity theft, phishing,
pharming, DNS hijacking, Internet gambling, sale of counterfeit
over the internet,etc.
Drink driving and other motoring related offences.
Proceedings before the High Court of Justice, Supreme Court,
National Criminal Court, Constitutional Court and Military Court.