Criminal Law Assistance.    

In relation to criminal matters, we can help you with:

  • Advice and defense in criminal proceedings.

  • Crimes against property: theft, burglary, concealment of stolen property, fraud etc.

  • Crimes against Public Health: drug distribution, sale or possession with intent to sell a controlled substance, etc.

  • Sexual offences: abuse, aggression, harassment, etc.

  • Domestic violence.

  • Crimes against people: murder, homicide, injuries, etc.

  • Environmental crimes: improper waste disposal, oil spills, destruction of wetlands, dumping into streams, lakes, or rivers, improperly handling pesticides or other toxic chemicals, burning garbage, etc.

  • Computer crimes: credit card fraud and identity theft, phishing, pharming, DNS hijacking, Internet gambling, sale of counterfeit goods over the internet,etc.

  • Drink driving and other motoring related offences.

  • Appeals.

  • Proceedings before the High Court of Justice, Supreme Court, National Criminal Court, Constitutional Court and Military Court.

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